These days, it seems like coconut oil has hired a new publicist! Everyone is talking about it, and everyone is using it… but, what is it actually good for? Turns out, besides being wonderful for cooking, coconut oil is an incredible superfood that has tons of different benefits! Before we dive into the many different uses for this magical food, let’s first be sure that we are using an ORGANIC, UNREFINED coconut oil. It is important to work with unrefined coconut oil, as it is far less processed than refined coconut oil. Refined coconut oil is usually bleached, deodorized (to get rid of that delicious coconutty scent and flavor), and processed to increase its smoke point (which is the point at which an oil begins to burn). So, while unrefined coconut oil has a lower smoke point, it has far more benefits and advantages, without the addition of processing and unhealthy additives! Now, let’s dive into some of the wonderful uses of coconut oil, other than simply using it for cooking!
Hair Mask
For ridiculously soft and full hair, rub coconut oil into your hair and massage gently into the scalp. Make sure to massage the oil into the roots of your hair and all the way down to your tips (where we experience the most dryness). Cover the head with a shower cap for 1-2 hours and then rinse out in the shower with your usual shampoo and conditioner.
Keep a jar of coconut oil in your bathroom and moisturize the entire body immediately after a shower. Be sure to give your skin some time to absorb the moisture before you put on any clothes, as the oil can rub off onto other surfaces before it is fully absorbed.
Curb Sugar Cravings
Take a plain spoonful of coconut oil when you are experiencing even the most intense sugar cravings. This will help to eradicate any cravings you may have had, on top of nourishing you with much needed nutrients!
Cellulite Reduction
Mix 1 tbsp of coconut oil with 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Massage the mixture firmly into your skin in a circular motion.
Weight Loss
Ingesting 2 tablespoons of coconut oil a day can increase the metabolism and help to aid in fat burning! You can simply take the coconut oil on its own, or incorporate it into your meals by cooking with it, throwing it into a smoothie, or using it as a spread.
Anti-Aging Wrinkle Reduction
Dab coconut oil around your eye area daily to reduce the appearance of fine lines and prevent wrinkles. This will rival even the most expensive eye creams!
Give these a try and be amazed with the results!
Xoxo, T.
Meet Tania...
Holistic Health Coach
Certified Natural Foods Chef, Natural Gourmet Institute
M.A. in Psychology, Antioch University
Whether your goal is health and nutritional education, weight loss, emotional or physical healing, or even just wanting to feel more comfortable in your own skin, I am here to make your goals a reality! Today’s world bombards us with unhealthy, processed foods that are loaded up with scary amounts of toxicity. It can sometimes feel impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing flavor and fulfillment. It can also feel overwhelming to keep up with all the latest nutritional trends and fads. With my help, you can find your way to an easy, delicious way of living that is catered specifically to your tastes, needs, and body type.