Tips for Feeling Fuller, Faster
We all know the dreaded feeling of finishing our delicious, healthy meal and still feeling unsatisfied. Many times, this can be followed by what I like to call the “pantry binge,” where we snack our way through half the foods in our pantry, in search of feeling full and satisfied. Why is it that sometimes, we feel like bottomless pits?! Well, it turns out that there are actual, concrete ways to feel full and satisfied with our meals. By incorporating these tips into your daily diet, you will notice that you feel fuller, more satisfied, and less likely to snack in between meals!
Eat the Rainbow
Make sure to incorporate a variety of colors into your meal. It must be noted that these colors should come from natural, whole foods such as plants, as opposed to processed foods with added artificial or natural coloring. Try to include at least 4 different colors in each meal.
Incorporate all 5 Tastes
Including at least one small component of each taste allows our taste buds to feel satisfied, which leads to feeling fuller. Be sure to consume at least a little bit of something sweet, sour, spicy, salty, and bitter. Keep in mind that, for example, your “sweet” component can be something like caramelized onions, and does not need to be a sugary addition!
Incorporate a Variety of Food Textures
Ever taken a bite of a well prepared meal that was mind-blowing? Chances are, that meal included a variety of textures, including something crunchy, chewy, crispy, and creamy. The different textures are endless in the food world, so have fun with this one!
Make your Food Look Pretty
Believe it or not, much of our satisfaction with our meal comes through signals from our eyes! A great way to let your eyes, mind, and stomach know that it is about to receive something satisfying and fulfilling is to make sure that your meals look delicious and appealing. Taking an extra minute or two to plate our food with care can make all the difference.
Take Breaks During the Meal
It takes about 20 minutes for our stomach to send signals to our brain to let it know that we are full, and most times, we are not actively eating for that long. Try taking a break when you are halfway through your meal. Put your utensils down, take a few breaths, and wait. It is also beneficial, during this time, to be mindful of how you feel. Direct your attention to your stomach and notice that it feels fuller than when you sat down. Sometimes, just adding mindfulness to our eating can change the entire experience.
Try out these tips for a more fulfilled, satisfying experience that is free of over-eating!
Xoxo, T.
Meet Tania...
Holistic Health Coach
Certified Natural Foods Chef, Natural Gourmet Institute
M.A. in Psychology, Antioch University
Whether your goal is health and nutritional education, weight loss, emotional or physical healing, or even just wanting to feel more comfortable in your own skin, I am here to make your goals a reality! Today’s world bombards us with unhealthy, processed foods that are loaded up with scary amounts of toxicity. It can sometimes feel impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing flavor and fulfillment. It can also feel overwhelming to keep up with all the latest nutritional trends and fads. With my help, you can find your way to an easy, delicious way of living that is catered specifically to your tastes, needs, and body type.